Hey folks,
I am writing this post at the end of a tumultuous week filled with fond memories but also mired with tragedy. The other night after our inter-college get-together a friend of mine Jarrad Waites had an accident, slipping and falling on his way down the stairs while returning to his bedroom in our residence. He ended up suffering serious injuries to the head and spine and passed away on the scene. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent this horrible twist of fate. Needless to say, the entire college was rocked by the incident that has completely overshadowed the prior events of orientation week.
Jarrad, or "Waitsy" as we called him was a great guy and was always welcoming and willing to chat. We had a few discussions about Canada as he had recently returned from a trip and had loved the country. Just hours before the accident I had taught him the game of beer pong outside in the courtyard and he had bought me a beer at the party. It seems trivial now, but I remember thinking to myself that I could see myself really getting along with him in the five months that I have here in Australia. It just goes to show everyone how fragile life is.
The last couple of days have been quite upsetting but also encouraging to see all the residents come together to support each other through the tough times. I got to chat with my Mum and Dad yesterday morning and it was great to hear their voice. I had never felt so far away from home. I hope anyone and everyone who reads this will keep Waitsy and his family in your prayers.
To put a positive spin to end this post here are some high points in this rollercoaster of a week: -last night I spent a night at a beach house with a few friends
-I watched Canada mens hockey muscle their way into the gold medal game for a shot at redemption vs. the Seppos. (Seppos=Septics=Septic Tanks=Yanks)
-I got my tickets to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and Yves Klein Blue
-I registered for my classes which get underway on Monday
-I signed up for the La Trobe Soccer Club and am training on Tuesdays and Thursday to find out which of the four teams I am selected for
-I was introduced to $4 pizzas at a place called Bimbos. It reminded me very much of Morris East in Halifax....but dare I say it better?
-I slept in a swag....how very Australian of me.
I love to hear your comments so anyone who cares to leave one, feel free.
Take care, stay golden